Our Beliefs & Actions
At BG we believe it’s every human being’s mandate to steward our natural resources with care & consideration. We only have one planet & one chance to get it right and it’s our responsibility not only to put measures in place to preserve our natural resources but strive to educate & leave our future generations an inheritance they too can enjoy & hopefully build upon. Globally our natural resources sources are under pressure and BG is just trying to do its small part to ensure a sustainable future and be an example to other small businesses to follow.
Years before the Western Cape experienced the drought & current water crisis, we believed we needed to start collecting rainwater from our factory roof which we did and were rewarded with over 700 000 litres to supplement our production process and reduce our reliance & the pressure on the Municipal supply. In 2011 we were moved to go one step further and sink a borehole despite limited space and the challenge of finding a flowing vein under our property. This ensured that of the 2.5 million litres of water we used in production a year hardly a drop was Municipal. Municipal water was kept for human consumption, the kitchen and bathrooms.

By the time the water issue arose at the end of 2016 our reduced rainfall collection stats clearly showed drier, hotter conditions and we tested a variety of water saving / recycling mechanisms within the production process and municipal water to the toilets was stopped & replaced with borehole or rainwater.
Added to the water savings we installed a Solar plant to supplement our Eskom supply which was a costly & time-consuming project but regardless we believed it was a necessity and the right thing to do. Now BG Servers even feeds the Eskom Grid when we are not using the power internally.
As much as BG’s roots are in drum cleaning & re-conditioning the water shortages in the Cape highlighted the need for Grey Water & Rain Water Solutions. With more and more queries being “water saving solutions” focused we have slowly added pumps, filters and complete systems as we have tested and gained experience in the field. We hoping with the birth of www.savewatersolution.co.za we will be able to help many in their quests to become more water efficient.